Eyes are a crucial part of our body and without a proper eyesight it is impossible to do any kind of work. We should take proper care of them in order to maintain an optimal and perfect eyesight throughout our life. A slight defect in the eyes, whether in the cornea or retina, can have a major effect on your eyesight. One of the common conditions of the eyes that anyone can experience is the pink eye. Basically, this condition will change the colour of the whites in your eyes to pink or sometimes red. The Mitra Eye Hospital suggests that you use eye drops or other prescribed eye medications to treat pink eye.
The eye hospital in India has described that the cause of pink eye is inflammation, and there are several other conditions that could look like pink eye, but they are different from that. Those conditions are allergies, dry eye syndrome, keratitis or a stye. If you have been having pink eyes for a long time and it is not getting better with drops or medications, then it is necessary to undergo emergency eye care treatment.
The pink eye is the conjunctiva, which is a thin, clear mucus that covers the outer surface of your eyeball and the inner surface of your eyelids. It lubricates your eye, saving you from pathogens or irritants. When there is inflammation in your conjunctiva, the white part of your eyeball turns pink. Some common causes are viral or bacterial eyes. Symptoms that are analysed by the eye hospital in India that can help in indicating that you have pink eye are:-
- Itching
- Tearing
- Discharge
- Gritty Feeling
- Blurred Vision
There are some common treatment options that can help you in treating pink eye:-
- For bacterial conjunctivitis: There are antibiotic eye drops or ointments that can eliminate the bacterial infection, but it will take a couple of days to heal after you start the treatment. Other eye care tips for treating pink eyes are using a warm or damp cloth to remove the crusts and discomfort from your eyes.
- For Viral conjunctivitis: It causes excess swelling and discomfort in your eyes, which can be reduced by compressing a cold or damp cloth. If you are experiencing irritation, then eye drops would be a better option for you, but it would be cured within one or two weeks.
- For allergic conjunctivitis: Eye drops are prescribed to reduce allergic reactions, but you should note that those eye drops must contain a constituent which is antihistamine. You should identify and avoid the allergens that are causing the reaction. The allergens that cause itching and swelling in your eyes could be cured by cold compressions.
- For general care:- Some basic eye care tips are washing hands, avoiding touching or rubbing your eyes and preventing sharing any of your personal items like towels or pillows. You should refrain from wearing any contact lenses until the infection is perfectly cleared. Any type of discharge in your eyes should be cleaned with a clean cloth.
All of the pink eye symptoms can take 2 to 3 weeks to be completely cured. If you are detecting any type of symptoms of pink eye, you should talk to any eye specialist from Mitra Eye Hospital. They will prescribe you a viable treatment option for an effective treatment. You can contact our specialists or book an appointment for treatment.